Tuesday, 8 March 2016

Troubled mind, No good at all! The 8-Best ways to achieve peace of mind

 A troubled mind is never at peace, and it brings along anxiety, fear and lack of confidence. At times, it is hard to know when to calm your mind, and the reasons as to why it should be done are not always clear.  A peaceful mind is only worth to some people when faced with certain challenges and desire to concentrate. A peaceful mind is very useful in so essential for a healthy living, and it should not be an option in only selected situations. One of the greatest disturbances that can cost your peace of mind is fear.
Fear will interfere with our normal life, and its impacts will affect our friends, social life, family, and even job. Besides, fear and anxieties will trigger poor concentration and blurred thinking. The results are confusion, errors, poor decision making and ultimately failure. To be more successful and focused in life, you must learn how to calm your mind so as to stay focused and think rightly. This article presents some of the best guidelines for calming your mind and overcoming fear and worries.
Quiet time
To overcome your fears and be more focused, you have to create time to be alone. During this time, ensure you are free from any form of disturbance and make sure you relax your body and mind. It doesn't matter the time you will spend as much as you will achieve your goal. During this time, you can engage in mind relaxing activities such as meditation, yoga, or a nature walk.
Be positive
When faced with fear, you must learn how to take care of your subconscious mind. Words and language we use will affect our unconscious mind, behavior and how we feel and think. You must learn how to use positive language in your conversation. Being positive will boost your confidence, certainty and self-esteem. It will also help in diminishing gloominess, negative attitude, and sadness that denies one calmness and peace of mind.
Exercise deep breathing
Fear causes stress and stress can even lead to suicide if not handled on time. One of the best ways of relieving stress is through taking turns to take deep breaths. One is highly encouraged to practice this any moment they have something disturbing their minds, and the results are instant.
So many myths surround meditation, but the truth is that it is one of the best ways used to relax one's mind is meditation. If you dedicate to meditate even for few minutes a day and on a regular basis, you will be better placed to make sober decisions and experience great peace of mind. Regardless of the type of meditation you choose, the results will wonderful and very effective. You also need to know that effective meditation is practiced in a disturbance free environment and make sure you learn the basics of meditation so as to learn what to do and what not to do.
Nature walk
Images create fear in our minds, and they are as a result of what we think is bound to happen or about a past scenario that happened in our presence. One way of getting rid of such and enjoying peace of mind is changing the images and pictures stored in our minds. This can be done by taking a nature walk that involves activities like hiking, walking in the forest or along the river bank. Things such as trees, the sea, lake, streams and sunset are physically calming and relaxing. Spending time interacting with them will give a great feeling that will boost your happiness and calmness.
Be creative
The best way of calming your mind is doing what you like most. People have different activities that fascinate them and in case you are into a difficult situation that is denying you the freedom to peace of mind, you can counter it back with your creativity. If you are good in art, put all your feelings on a page. Photography lover, take it out and photograph charming and beautiful photos. You can also take a walk or even write down an article about what you think offers you peace of mind.
It might sound funny but believe you me that you need to have a great sense of humor to enjoy a peaceful mind. Laugh as much as you can. Do what you find amusing. Laughter relieves stress, and when you laugh, your body releases certain hormones that assist in relaxing.

Friday, 4 March 2016

God`s Love

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” – John 3:16
What does this mean?
You’re Choice
God gave you life and freewill.
You are here to make a choice.
Do you choose love and accept God, or do you choose to reject Him?
Do you accept Gods will for your life, or do you reject it?
Are you willing to turn away from the evil in this world, in exchange for a relationship with your Creator?
I am calling you to Repent!
When you can answer ‘YES!’, and Repent in your heart, there is great news for you.
But first we must understand the problem.
You’re Problem:
Look at your world, something is terribly wrong.
Most choose to reject God and His will.
Most have rejected a relationship with Him, and the effects are devastating.
Sin is in conflict with your perfect, loving and just Creator.
Sin prevents your relationship with Him
Sin has a cost. Sin causes pain.
We are sinners, each of us. You are a Sinner.
The unfortunate result of sin is death.
A Spiritual death!
An eternal existence in which you are separated from Him,
bearing the consequence for the pain and suffering your sin has caused.
You’re Great News
 God has prepared a way for you who repent.
He has prepared a way for you that reject evil, and love Him.
God made possible your salvation through His great sacrifice.
He came to rescue you.
Our Mighty, Eternal and Loving God of all creation, came off His throne and became like you.
He humbled himself to become flesh and blood.
Emanuel means – God with us. Jesus means – God saves us.
God (Jesus) went to the cross, perfect and sinless.
On that cross, He experienced not only physical, but spiritual death.
Jesus bears the pain and suffering caused by your sin.
He pays the just price for your sin.  This cleanses you.
He gives you His Holy Spirit, and with it a new and everlasting life.
This is the sacrifice God makes for you that repent.

If you want to know Christ, repent and The Father will reveal Him to You

Friday, 12 February 2016

Life and death

I am this righteous dude. I attend fellowship, prayers, seminars, crusades but i never get touched and moved during preaching but as soon as i leave the door, i am still me. the Word is never meant for me but always, its for "them" my segments; yes pastor tell them, they need to hear this, am so holy, dinning with Christ though still living. It never dawns to me that the word is meant for me every second, every minute, every hour, every day, all year round.
Yes that's my life, i wanna see someone caught up in immorality, and i call that sin, someone stealing, and i call that sin, fornicating and i call that sin. Nature operates naturally and our instinct tells us when we sin and when we don`t. Yeah, so true and that is the world, everybody knows.
The greatest challenge to every Christian is to fight for his/her purpose to live. When i fail to do what am supposed to do as a christian, that is sin, if i do what am not supposed to do, its still sin and that is where the line is drawn between Christians and the world.
The world is so funny, some sins nowadays have become mistakes. No one want`s to take responsibility. Its a challenge and we ought to live real according to the word of God. I cannot lie to myself, and i cannot lie to God. Nothing has changed and someone said that the economy of heaven is never affected by inflation, meaning the wages of sin is still death. The choice is mine, its me to choose between life and death. We might think we still got time but no one knows, its never too late until its late.

Saturday, 30 January 2016

The Ten Most Powerful Minutes of your Day

The only way we communicate with God is through prayer. One of the most powerful weapons a believer can boast of is Prayer. Prayer is also that area of our lives in which Satan maximizes on to weaken our faith. It is quite evident that majority of believers find it so difficult to devote more than ten minutes a day praying. What we believers don't realize is that when we spend so much time thinking about the issues of this world and spend very little time thinking about God, then the world will appear more real to us than God. Prayer is the best way to kick-starting your day, and it even gets better when you make it a commitment.

A ten-minute powerful prayer session in the morning is far much worth than an hour spend in the gym at the same time. An effective prayer life is the beginning of a fulfilling life. Once we commit to occupying your first ten minutes in the morning praying, prayer becomes part of us. A good day`s foundation is laid using prayer and that come along with so many benefits. We are going to look at some of these benefits and am sure you will be challenged to revive your prayer life upon reading.
A prayer in the morning makes God happy. There is nothing worth doing in the morning than singing praises unto God in the morning, thanking him for the protection throughout the night and also thanking him for a new day. This shows you appreciate His presence and acknowledges everything that happens in your life is all because of him.

It also makes the day safe for you and to others. Powerful prayer session in the morning act like arsenals against the weapons of the enemy. Psalms 91, shows us how powerful a prayer can be and how far God can protect us if we allow him. He will shield us from every attack from the devil and his representatives. So many testimonies have been given by people who prayed in the morning for protection and were later saved from a life-threatening tragedy.

The best time to take your blessing of the day is in the morning. When we are asleep, we are unconscious of what is happening. Remember the bible says while men were asleep, the enemy came and planted thorns among their crops. This means the enemy is very alert, and we need to be alert too so as to retrieve all our blessings every morning. A prayer for the day offers one pace of mind and calmness throughout the day.

You will also be in a position to disgrace your enemies and tap abundant blessings and favor. A morning prayer opens all closed doors before you. The best time to tap your blessings is in the morning. When you commit to praying every morning, you will start realizing breakthroughs, uncommon favors, and blessings from God.

The ultimate goal every believer should desire is to have an effective prayer life. We should all commit to spending ten minutes of our morning to prayer. Let us understand that prayer is very powerful and if we live a life without prayer, we are exposed to attacks from the enemy and our faith is questionable. Prayer should never be a burden to any believer, and we should never lack time to pray regardless of our busy schedule.

Friday, 29 January 2016

Three key things to Living your Dreams

Allow me to begin with the Story of one well known hero by the name Lance Armstrong

"Lance was diagnosed with advanced testicular cancer at the age of 25. Doctors gave him less than a 40 percent chance of recovery. Tumors were discovered in his lungs and stomach along with multiple lesions on the brain.
His biking career was over or so everyone thought; but no one counted on the indomitable belief Armstrong had in himself and the lessons which his mother, Linda Walling had taught him.
One of the first things that he did was to acknowledge the disease that had captured him in its talons and learn everything he could about it. He devoured books, resources and found help in support groups with people going through similar difficulties."
His first comeback after beating cancer was not a success and he finished fourteenth in the race. He even thought about retirement but constant support from his fiancee, mother and buddy Chris Carmichael soon had him training for his next race in the Appalachians.
He returned from his training a transformed man and never let the constant difficulties plough him down again.
True, the doping scandals have destroyed Lance’s reputation as a professional biker. But one cannot but admire his sheer will power and dedication through which he turned the odds in his favor at a time when everyone thought his life was over."

This is a story am sure most of us are familiar with and i had to share it because it carries the message i wanted to put across. There are certain situations in life that happen and we think our lives are over. Hope is lost and we end up losing all the confident and focus we had in life. The greatest tragedy that can happen to any individual is loosing focus. Once you lack self drive, you will be swayed to any direction and it will lead to self destruction. This happens due to living under people`s justification rather than believing in one self. What kept Lance Armstrong going strong and even able to conquer what most people term lethal is his belief together with the people who surrounded him. Thanks to his mother. His inner self was organized and he had a strong self drive that he was able to overthrow ever obstacle.Lance believed in these three thing she had learned from his mother.

Make every Obstacle an Opportunity
Biking is very challenging and it requires alot of dedication and commitment. Lance grew up knowing that every situation life presents no matter how negative it is, their is something new to learn. Lance never gave up even when cancer was eating him up. He wasnt moved when the doctors broke the shocking news. He was sure of one thing that, despite his situation, he will ride again.

Work hard always and good things will happen
This is a philosophy dismissed by many people but i can attest to that hard work pays. It doesn't mater whom you are working for but believe you me that if you work hard and with total dedication, you will enjoy good fruits. Lance might not have acquired so much in his biking career but there is much we can learn from him, the greatest of them all being his attitude. Biking is very challenging and regardless of the fact that Lance was caught up in doping scandals, he really knew what he had and wanted to exploit it to the maximum. Success is not something to just wake up and be granted the next day. It needs going that extra mile. that is what makes the difference. What separates us is not the situations that life presents, but our reaction towards such. “Life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we react to it.” Charles R. Swindol. Your attitude towards life dictates what you will achieve and who you will become. You will only achieve as much as you can dream.

Never ever believe it when people say you can`t
What would have happened if Lance believed on the doctors report? Would he ever live to race again? You need to get it from me that if you will depend on people to define who you are, my friend, you will never make it. I am a strong believer in the Christian faith and one thing am sure of is that everything that is under God`s control is never out of control. Never quit just because someone says you can`t. Better do it one million and one times failing and still be determined to continue. Life only presents more complications if it realizes we don`t have the zeal to live. No matter what happens, just know you ain`t alone and make the best out of every opportunity that life gives. Never give up.

Always remember that the greatest drive to success is the one that comes from within. Don`t wait for external factors determine your success.