Saturday, 30 January 2016

The Ten Most Powerful Minutes of your Day

The only way we communicate with God is through prayer. One of the most powerful weapons a believer can boast of is Prayer. Prayer is also that area of our lives in which Satan maximizes on to weaken our faith. It is quite evident that majority of believers find it so difficult to devote more than ten minutes a day praying. What we believers don't realize is that when we spend so much time thinking about the issues of this world and spend very little time thinking about God, then the world will appear more real to us than God. Prayer is the best way to kick-starting your day, and it even gets better when you make it a commitment.

A ten-minute powerful prayer session in the morning is far much worth than an hour spend in the gym at the same time. An effective prayer life is the beginning of a fulfilling life. Once we commit to occupying your first ten minutes in the morning praying, prayer becomes part of us. A good day`s foundation is laid using prayer and that come along with so many benefits. We are going to look at some of these benefits and am sure you will be challenged to revive your prayer life upon reading.
A prayer in the morning makes God happy. There is nothing worth doing in the morning than singing praises unto God in the morning, thanking him for the protection throughout the night and also thanking him for a new day. This shows you appreciate His presence and acknowledges everything that happens in your life is all because of him.

It also makes the day safe for you and to others. Powerful prayer session in the morning act like arsenals against the weapons of the enemy. Psalms 91, shows us how powerful a prayer can be and how far God can protect us if we allow him. He will shield us from every attack from the devil and his representatives. So many testimonies have been given by people who prayed in the morning for protection and were later saved from a life-threatening tragedy.

The best time to take your blessing of the day is in the morning. When we are asleep, we are unconscious of what is happening. Remember the bible says while men were asleep, the enemy came and planted thorns among their crops. This means the enemy is very alert, and we need to be alert too so as to retrieve all our blessings every morning. A prayer for the day offers one pace of mind and calmness throughout the day.

You will also be in a position to disgrace your enemies and tap abundant blessings and favor. A morning prayer opens all closed doors before you. The best time to tap your blessings is in the morning. When you commit to praying every morning, you will start realizing breakthroughs, uncommon favors, and blessings from God.

The ultimate goal every believer should desire is to have an effective prayer life. We should all commit to spending ten minutes of our morning to prayer. Let us understand that prayer is very powerful and if we live a life without prayer, we are exposed to attacks from the enemy and our faith is questionable. Prayer should never be a burden to any believer, and we should never lack time to pray regardless of our busy schedule.

Friday, 29 January 2016

Three key things to Living your Dreams

Allow me to begin with the Story of one well known hero by the name Lance Armstrong

"Lance was diagnosed with advanced testicular cancer at the age of 25. Doctors gave him less than a 40 percent chance of recovery. Tumors were discovered in his lungs and stomach along with multiple lesions on the brain.
His biking career was over or so everyone thought; but no one counted on the indomitable belief Armstrong had in himself and the lessons which his mother, Linda Walling had taught him.
One of the first things that he did was to acknowledge the disease that had captured him in its talons and learn everything he could about it. He devoured books, resources and found help in support groups with people going through similar difficulties."
His first comeback after beating cancer was not a success and he finished fourteenth in the race. He even thought about retirement but constant support from his fiancee, mother and buddy Chris Carmichael soon had him training for his next race in the Appalachians.
He returned from his training a transformed man and never let the constant difficulties plough him down again.
True, the doping scandals have destroyed Lance’s reputation as a professional biker. But one cannot but admire his sheer will power and dedication through which he turned the odds in his favor at a time when everyone thought his life was over."

This is a story am sure most of us are familiar with and i had to share it because it carries the message i wanted to put across. There are certain situations in life that happen and we think our lives are over. Hope is lost and we end up losing all the confident and focus we had in life. The greatest tragedy that can happen to any individual is loosing focus. Once you lack self drive, you will be swayed to any direction and it will lead to self destruction. This happens due to living under people`s justification rather than believing in one self. What kept Lance Armstrong going strong and even able to conquer what most people term lethal is his belief together with the people who surrounded him. Thanks to his mother. His inner self was organized and he had a strong self drive that he was able to overthrow ever obstacle.Lance believed in these three thing she had learned from his mother.

Make every Obstacle an Opportunity
Biking is very challenging and it requires alot of dedication and commitment. Lance grew up knowing that every situation life presents no matter how negative it is, their is something new to learn. Lance never gave up even when cancer was eating him up. He wasnt moved when the doctors broke the shocking news. He was sure of one thing that, despite his situation, he will ride again.

Work hard always and good things will happen
This is a philosophy dismissed by many people but i can attest to that hard work pays. It doesn't mater whom you are working for but believe you me that if you work hard and with total dedication, you will enjoy good fruits. Lance might not have acquired so much in his biking career but there is much we can learn from him, the greatest of them all being his attitude. Biking is very challenging and regardless of the fact that Lance was caught up in doping scandals, he really knew what he had and wanted to exploit it to the maximum. Success is not something to just wake up and be granted the next day. It needs going that extra mile. that is what makes the difference. What separates us is not the situations that life presents, but our reaction towards such. “Life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we react to it.” Charles R. Swindol. Your attitude towards life dictates what you will achieve and who you will become. You will only achieve as much as you can dream.

Never ever believe it when people say you can`t
What would have happened if Lance believed on the doctors report? Would he ever live to race again? You need to get it from me that if you will depend on people to define who you are, my friend, you will never make it. I am a strong believer in the Christian faith and one thing am sure of is that everything that is under God`s control is never out of control. Never quit just because someone says you can`t. Better do it one million and one times failing and still be determined to continue. Life only presents more complications if it realizes we don`t have the zeal to live. No matter what happens, just know you ain`t alone and make the best out of every opportunity that life gives. Never give up.

Always remember that the greatest drive to success is the one that comes from within. Don`t wait for external factors determine your success.